

“Used NEKTON vitamins exclusively during the 8 years I bred canaries and prior to that for my pet parrots with complete success. Want no alternative products after my return from the States.” Canary Breeder, England

“Your product is unmatched anywhere. I can’t tell you how many hummingbirds we’ve been able to return to the wild because of your NEKTAR-PLUS.” Rescue Center, California

“Greatly pleased and satisfied with the quality of your products. We have not as yet found another product that matches your NEKTON-LORI, for which our Lory colonies have shown greater preference.” Curator, Singapore

“After months of biting and screaming gave my young Moluccan cockatoo her first dose of NEKTON-TONIC-K Friday afternoon. By Friday evening the same day could not believe this was the same bird – all biting, screaming and aggressive behavior gone. I will continue to use your wonderful product all the time.” Owner, Canada

“I have been using your NEKTON-S with my canaries, finches and hookbills and it has been very successful in breeding and competing.” Show Judge, Florida

“Revived very sick and weak Black Siskins with NEKTON-TONIC-K within one day.” Breeder, Germany

“Use 20-30 kilogrammes NEKTON-S and NEKTON-E throughout the year, especially during the breeding season and will need more.” Falcon Breeders, UK and UAE

“Won many awards and trophies for my Glosters last year and honestly believe that much of my success was due to NEKTON-S and NEKTON-E.” Breeder, New York

“Used your vitamins on my birds. The results have been amazing!” Breeder, Spain

“We credit the energy and good health of our Rainbow Lory to NEKTON-LORI. We know it’s the best food and we’ll never change. Hope this letter encourages you to continue providing all bird owners with such a great product.” Owner, California

“Christmas brought us a beautiful Dusky Lory and of course we feed her your NEKTON. …..Thank you for making such a fine product, we have a very happy, healthy little bird because of it.” P. & L. N. – California

“A short while ago I got a little NEKTON-LORI to try out from friends. My birds are really hungry for it.” S. S. – Switzerland

“For about one year now I have been using your NEKTON-REP. I have no desire to try any other supplements on the market. They are inferior compared to your product.” Rescue Center – California

“I have tested your NEKTON-REP on lizards (Physignathus concininus and Lampopeltis california sinaloe). After testing other products and finding no improvement at all or that the effects waned, I was very sceptical as you can imagine. Your product, however, is really good. My animals are not only decidedly more active their colours are as natural as only Nature can make them.” Breeder – Germany

“I must say I keep my two Congo Greys in top condition with your NEKTON-S:”…M. A. – Portugal

“I have been using your products for several years now in America and have had excellent results.” D. N. V. – Greece

“I think your vitamins are the best yet!” S. F. – Massachusetts

“I have been using your product for my reptiles for quite some time. The results are outstanding. I am very pleased with my reptiles’ growth and activity.” Reptile keeper – Florida

“Your high quality products have been extremely helpful in raising my Iguana iguanas.” Breeder – Maryland

“I use your product NEKTON-REP on my snakes and they are so healthy and have a glass appearance so shiny they look as if they are made of fine porcelain.” Reptile breeder – Florida

“I have been using your products for the last 5 months and am very pleased in the breeding success I have had and experienced.” S. E. – Oregon

“In summer we got a Black-capped Lory from Walsrode Bird park and it won’t eat anything but NEKTON-LORY.” G. H. – Germany

“We have found NEKTAR-PLUS to be an excellent and complete humming bird diet. It is also well taken by the other birds in the aviary. Hummingbird Keeper – California

“I am extremely happy with this product and I believe our tanagers and hummingbird are also. Our humming bird eats nothing but and has been with us for a year now.” Supervisor, Zoo Bird Dept. – Texas

We are greatly pleased and satisfied with the quality of your products, especially NEKTON-LORI. It has proved to be nutritious, complete and simple to prepare. We have not as yet found another product that matches your NEKTON-LORY. Curator – Singapore

Yes, NEKTON products are well known to zoos, bird parks and breeding farms, too, and not only in Germany but at the best the world over! Users on Gran Canaria, in Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Britain, Spain, Canada, USA as well as in many parts of Australia, to mention just a few, can tell you:

• ECONOMICAL because a little goes a long way
• ECONOMICAL because they work
• ECONOMICAL because they are good for your pets

© Copyright 1994-2025 Nekton USA, 600 F Street, Arcata CA 95521. 19-Feb-25    E-Mail: